Sunday, April 29, 2012

Time flys when your havin fun....

Well that and when your family goes from 4 to 6 in two years...

Ans since there is a lot to update on I have had to break down my post so this isip

James has been pretty busy since the new year.  He has a lot going on at the fire station (like usual) and he recently started online school to. He is planning on changing his bachelors to a business degree and so that he can work on his MBA.  He just finished up an english class a few weeks ago and was a straight A student!  He is currently taking a math and english class (and is still keeping up his A's) These classes are almost over, I think he is regretting taking on 2 classes at once since he has the boys at night when I am at work. It has been difficult to juggle work, school, and kids but he is doing a great job! 

I have been back at work full time now for the last 5 weeks or so. Good news is that a part time position has been created in dispatch to help with some of the over time shifts and I have decided to step down from full time and go part time.  This was a big blessing because we were not sure what we were going to do when my shift changed from the weekends in the evenings to the weekdays during the day.  It wasn't very feasible to have 2 kids in day care for 8-12 hours a day.  My prayers were answered!! Not only do I get to continue to work at a place I have really enjoy and get to be with my boys more!!  Cool thing is I will not work more then 19 hours a week.  This also will help with James and his busy schedule.  James has asked me to come back to the fire station to since I am going part time.  I am looking forward to coming back, I have really missed fighting fire.  I was under the impression that my EMT licence had lapsed last September and with everything that was going on I did not have the time to re certify, but I got a letter in the mail the other day telling me I was going to expire this September 2012!!! I thought that was pretty cool.  I love helping out as an EMT and was kinda sad when I thought that part of my life was over. I look forward to many more years giving back to my community!

Keegan has been pretty busy with baseball this spring.  He has been doing pretty good!  I have not been able to go watch any of his games, but James has!  We are so proud to watch him play, he just keeps getting better with every game.  The season is just about over and O hope there is at least one more game that I can go watch. 

Me and my boys!

All 4 Cook boys


Looks like they are all tuckered out!

Daddy time!

Nate has so many awesome big brothers..... so sweet!

Family visits!!

In the last 2 months I have been able to visit with both my sisters from Washington!!

My sister Kim came down with her 3 kids, Anna, Joshua, and the newest Li.  In February my sister and her family traveled to China to bring home a new son Li (he is about 9-10 years old).  It was great to meet my newest nephew, even if we couldn't really communicate.  Li seemed to fit in just fine with our family.  He seems to be such a happy child so full of energy!!

My other sister Kristy also came down with her family.  I got to meet another new nephew Trentin.  Trentin was born this past fall and is about 4 months older then Nate.  K.C. and his C.J, (who is a week younger then K.C.)  had a blast playing together.  Those two boys were so cute together!  While they were here they got to go to the zoo.  I was not able to join them because I had to work :(  But K.C. had a great time. 

Right after I had Nate my cousin Holly flew in to visit us to.  It was so nice to have her around to help out the first week!  My Grandma Oostra was also able to drive back home with my parents to visit a few days and then fly our with Holly.  My Grandma had just turned 90 and I was unable to make it to her birthday party since I was still pregnant with Nate. I am so happy that I was able to get a picture of my Grandma and the boys, not sure how many more chances we will get to take any since I don't get to WA but 1-3 times a year   :(

James's Dad and Step Mom Charlie also stopped by for a visit for a few days while on their way back from AZ to MI. (snow birds! lol)   For some reason I did not get any pictures of them with the boys.  But it is always nice when they visit and we all love to see them!  The older Cook boys love spending time with their Grandparents!!

But it is always so fun to get the family together!!

My siblings and our children that are 2 and under!! yup that is 6 boys!!
K.C. (2) / Nate (2 months) / Jon (8 months) / Trentin (4 months) C.J (2) / Ben (2)

The 2 year olds playing..... trouble!!!

At the Boise Zoo

My sister Kim / LI / Joshua / Anna / Brother in law Even

Anna (15) Li (9?) Joshua (12)

K.C. and C.J.

Don't they all look so happy!
Nate (2 months) Trentin (4 months) Jon (8 months)

Trentin and Nate

K.C. and the oldest cousin Kennady at the Zoo

Grandpa and the boys

K.C. loves water.... where ever it is

At the Boise Zoo

Grandma Oostra holding Nate for the first time

Great Grandma and the boys
(Nate is 90 years and 4 days younger then his Great Grandma Oostra)


I can't believe that my baby boy is already 2!!  For K.C.'s birthday we decided to have a BBQ at my parents house and invite my brother and his kids.  This year since I had just had Nate I was not able to come up with a cool cake last last years race car I made.  I decided on a fire truck type theme for this year and I made some "fire" cupcakes.  The cake was yellow, orange, and red.  I tried to make frosting that looked like flames but I don't think I whipped it long enough to really peak so it turned out a bit flat.  But the kids still ate it so it was all good.  K.C. got some pretty cool things for his b-day, his favorite is cars.  That child loves anything with wheels, I find cars all over the house!!  Grandpa knows he loves cars to and got him about 5 or 6 small cars... Thanks Grandpa :)

K.C. has turned out to be a really good older brother!! He loves to give Nate kisses and trys to burp him by patting on his back.  It is so cute because when K.C. has been a way from him for a period of time he misses him, when he see's him he makes sure to give him lots of loves.  K.C. also trys to help when he is crying by getting Nate's binky and putting it in his mouth.  He has become such a big helper!! He knows that the dirty diapers go in the trash and so he makes sure they get there.  Not only does K.C. love bath time but he loves to help wash his little brother.  He trys his best to get him all clean.  I could ask for any better sons then the ones I got!!!  I am so lucky that K.C. has shown no jealousy with Nate.  (well at least for know, I am sure it will come at some point)  I was so afraid that nursing Nate may not sit well with K.C. but he could care less. If he is not kissing on him he pretty much ignores him :)

K.C. is loving the sunshine outside!  He takes every chance he can get to play out in the dirt!  He goes and grabs his boots and coat and heads to the door.  He thinks he is going to go with whomever comes to the house.  It is very cute.  He also has found a new love for baseball!  Well anything with a ball involved.  He will actually sit and watch sports on t.v. I have a feeling he will be my sports nut.. not that I am complaining!!
In other news with K.C.  we went on Thursday to his allergy appointment to have him re tested for peanuts.  The scratch test came back negative!!  I wanted to cry tears of joy (but James and the doctor where in the room so I held it in)  The doctor had us go and take a blood test and know we are waiting to see if that test matches up.  So prayers that they do and we don't have to worry about peanuts!  I wont ever forget when I left the allergist the first time and had the confirmation that he indeed had the allergy.  I got out to my truck in the parking lot called my Mom and just started bawling.  Knowing all the bad things that could happen with this allergy it was just to overwhelming.  Knowing that just a tiny peanut could do so much harm to my baby, I hated it.  I live in fear when I am not around him. But hopefully no more!!  When they did the blood test James took him in and I waited out in the waiting room with Nate.  All of a sudden I hear K.C. screaming and crying, the pour thing, I peeked through the window and my heart just sunk.  I was trying so hard not to cry with him, but I know Daddy had it handled.  But no Mommy likes to see their baby on pain and not be able to help him.  The nurses (one I guess started to cry with him) were really good and gave him a teddy bear when he was done.  K.C. loves stuffed animals, he was giving the bear hugs and kisses when we got back to the truck :)

Big helper, trys very hard to fold the laundry

Loves to play in the dirt

Happy 2nd B-day!!

Big smiles from this boy!

Loved opening gifts!

Loves his little brother

Went and grabbed a blanket to lay with his brother

Was not wearing his party hat!

Loves his grintch, it's the "it" toy to sleep with :)

Explaining why he should not have to go inside

Happy big brother!!

Watching baseball and eating his lunch

"When we grow up we can be firemen just like Daddy!"

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Wow can't believe that Nate is already 2.5 months old. Time sure does go fast when you get older. I can already see my baby boy growing up so fast, he is getting so big! He is really starting to smile and giggle a lot. I have already changed out his clothes to the 3-6 month size :( At his last appointment he weighed in at 13lbs 14oz and was 24 inches long. (compared to K.C. at that age he is 2 inches longer and a few pound smaller) He is such a good baby and I feel so blessed! He is sleeping pretty good at night, well at least for me he is, he keeps Daddy up when Mommy has to be at work at night sometimes :) He is so mellow, doesn't cry much. And he already likes NASCAR........ Nate already loves to be outside so that is nice, K.C. would be outside 24/7 if you would let him.  With the weather getting nice I am sure will be starting to spend a lot of time outside!!

Nate enjoying the sunshine

sporting his Aggie gear from Aunt Shelly!

Poof hair!

sleeping on mommy

More poof hair!!!


Sleeping in his Aggie gear

proof he sleeps for Daddy

all smiles and giggles!!

Getting so big!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ahhhhh!!! Where do I begin!!

Well I guess I can start by saying YES NATHANIEL PHILLIP COOK has arrived!!

Ok so he arrived about 7 weeks ago and I have not sat down at a computer long enough to really right a post.

Nathaniel finally decided to make his appearance to this work on February 13th 2012 at around 12:20am.  He weighed 8lbs 15oz and was 22 inches long.

But it all started on the evening of Feb 12.  As you could tell from my earlier post I was VERY ready for our newest addition to get here.  I thought that he was never going to come.  The last month was sooo long.  On my 38 week check up my midwife even mentioned that she was surprised to still see me! She figured I would have had him already.  It was pretty depressing.  On my last 3 check ups there had been no change in my uterus and I thought he was never going to come.  I was off my medication the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy that was helping ease the contractions so it was more then just a little uncomfortable.  My plan was to keep working as long as I could before the baby came.  But that didn't happen.  My last day of work ended up being Feb 7th.  I honestly wasn't sure if I would even know when I was really in labor with all the contractions I was having.  There where nights that I would have some really strong ones and then they would just kinda fade away (they were very misleading).  I finally just gave up thinking he was ever going to come.  Then Sunday afternoon James and I are starting dinner and I was like hey hun I think I might be having some regular contractions.  So while we sat on the couch and ate our dinner I started to time them.  Sure enough they were about 8 minutes apart and staying pretty steady.  I was like well I might just be having this baby.  (that was around 6:30 pm)  I forgot to add that ALL my family had been gone during this time frame in WA for my Grandmothers birthday and we had no clue who we were going to have watch KC if I went into labor.  We had the older Cook boys that weekend just in case but they had already went back to their Mom's house.  We also had my sister in law on standby for part of that weekend but that time frame had already lapsed.....  Time to figure out what we were going to do with our other kid!!  It's not like he can come with....  Well the contractions started to get closer together and I knew that this was probably it I was finally going to have this baby!  I called the hospital to find out when I was supposed to come in, with K.C. I knew I was going in labor because my water had broke at home.  But I had no clue when to come in with this kid, I figured my water would break and I would come in.  But that was not the case.  So the labor and delivery said to come in when your contractions are 5 minutes apart and you can't walk or talk during them.....    Well I was pretty much at that point.  I could still walk through them but I could walk with them with K.C. when they were long and very close together.  So I start to get everything together to head to the hospital.  During this time James calls the neighbor girl over who we had take care of the dogs so that she could get the house key and we could show her what we wanted her to do.  James told her he would call her if we went to the hospital.  I looked at him and said um no we ARE going to the hospital, I guess I failed to mention that to him :) I already had most of our bags packed so I was pretty much gather them up.  We ended up having our friend Rich who lives in Boise take K.C.  I made sure to pack some toys and gathered his blankie and his grintch stuffed animal to also bring over.  I think we left the house about 8ish. 
Not far outside of Parma my contractions started to get closer together and were hurting more then you could ever imagine.  We called the hospital and said we were on our way.  My contractions went to about a minute and a half apart lasting about a minute long on the way there.  I was in so much pain.  I am surprised that K.C. was able to fall asleep through them.  I was crying and clinching the truck and I think with each contraction I had James went just a tad bit faster!!! That had to be the longest most painful ride I have ever taken (when really we made it to Boise in about 35 minutes)  See with K.C. on the ride to the hospital my contractions had just started and they were 4 minutes apart and about 30 seconds long and didn't hurt as much yet. 
When we got to the hospital Rich was right behind us.  James had to get me a wheel chair because there was no way I was going to be able to walk to where labor and delivery was.  We handed over all the bags I packed for K.C. (yes there was a few.... his overnight bag, regular diaper bag, toy bag, blanket, and the grintch.  I wanted him to be comfortable surrounded by his things)  I kissed my little boy good night and waved good bye.  I tried my best to not show I was in a ton of pain  in front of him, I didn't want him to worry. 
So James wheels me into labor and delivery, he so nicely told me I sounded like and Indian too, I guess that would be what you could compair me to when I was letting out my contraction noises.  I was so ready for that epidural!! I wanted it right away!!  Well we got all checked in and they checked me and I was only dilated to a 2.  A TWO!! A LITTLE OL TWO!!!  I was thinking you got to be kidding me!  I was in so much pain, I was afraid they were going to send me home, that they wouldn't give me the epidural.  But I went from a 2 to a 3 with in minutes and they called to get everything set up so that I could start getting my drugs :) With all the pain I was in I didn't mind that everyone that I wanted to be in the room with me during this experience was out of state.  It was just me and James and I think that was all that I could handle anyway.  I was saying some not so nice words during some of those contractions.  I was laying on my side holding onto my bed side rail for dear life crying and making my indian noises as my wonderful husband was rubbing my back and giving me a wet rag for my head. 
It felt like forever before I finally got my drugs.  I think this was around 10 - 10:30 ish.  Oh My Gosh I was so happy when those kicked in.  It took forever for the stinken guy to get it in though.  And it is not fun to try to sit over the bed and not move while you are having the most painful contractions you can imagine!  But I was so very grateful when they kicked in.  I was able to call my Dad and talk to him and let the family know what was going on.  I was pretty sure that this was going to take a while (that was around 11:30pm)  Sometime between then and 12:30 I was given more pain meds after my hour mark and my midwife came in and broke my water, I went from a 4 to a 10 in pretty much no time.  Just like with K.C. I was a bit surprised when they came in and said that it was time to have this baby.  The delivery lasted a hole 5 minutes, I gave one strong push and then 2 half pushes and he was out!!  (the half pushes were so that he wouldn't come out to fast!) 
They laid our baby boy on my chest and I looked into his eyes and he grabbed a hold of my finer so tightly, I looked up at James and we both had tears in our eyes (I do right know just thinking of that moment)  Only my tears were coming down.  He was so beautiful.  He cried a little bit and I sat there and held him as they worked on me.  I was able to hold him for a while before they needed to do some stuff with him.  (K.C. had some breathing problems and I could only hold him for a few seconds while they cut the cord and they had to take him to work on his breathing)  The moment they lay your baby on your chest is a moment that you never forget.  They ended up having to do some better suction on him after a lil bit because he still had a lot of fluid in his lungs.  They said it was probably because of how fast he came out.  My midwife also mention that if my water had broke on its own at home that I would probably not have made it to the hospital in time to deliver (so praise the Lord that never happened!!) 
Well they got us all cleaned up and moved into our other room.  I was thankful this time that I only needed a couple stitches unlike with K.C. when I had to have more then they could count because of tearing on the inside walls  that he caused, but that is a whole other story.  It was probably about 2:30 and we were all settled in.  James went ahead and went back to Parma so that he could get some rest and check on the dogs.  I had no problem with him leaving.  It gave me and Nate some alone time to start bonding and work on nursing.  The one thing I hate about being at the hospital is that they make you track when the baby goes pee and poop, needles to say I was not that great at it :)  but the board was on the other side of the room and I was not getting up to write it down!!  Hello I just pushed a baby out!!  The next 36 hours are a bit of a blurr now.  I wasn't able to leave the hospital and Tuesday afternoon.  James had came back Monday morning and I don't remember how long her stayed that day before going home that evening.  K.C. came back to the hospital around 11 and met his little brother.  He liked him!  He was so cute giving him kisses and trying to hold him.  He lost interest pretty fast and explored the room.  He then went to James's Mom's house for a few hours.  They brought him back around 7 or so and James went ahead and took him home.  He would have liked to stay with me and the baby and felt bad for leaving us but I was ok with him leaving.  K.C. needed to be back home.  They came back the next day after noon so that they could take us all home.  This just happened to be Valentines day!  James was so sweet and sent flowers to my room.
I forgot to write about my scare I had with Nate.  He had had a lot of fluid in his lungs still and was spitting up a lot.  One time it came out of his nose!  I was a bit freaked out by that.  They just suctioned him a bit and he was fine.  Then there was his blood sugar scare.  Since he  was what you would call a big boy they needed to take his blood glucose reading before each feeding.  His first one was perfect but then the number started to drop.  They mentioned that they may have to supplement some formula for him.  I was totally against that.  Sorry but I am a boob baby, I don't want formula anywhere around my kid.  I know that if it 100% came down to it that he HAD to have it or else I of course would do what was best for him, but it had to be the last resort.  He had a bunch of really low numbers and there was talk that he may have to stay in the hospital if they didn't come up before we were ready to leave.  I prayed and prayed that they would come up. I did not want him to have to go to the NICU.  Well God is good and the very last one (within the 24 hours after he was born)  was right were it should be!!  Praise the Lord!! He didn't have to get his little foot pricked anymore and he was going home with us that afternoon!
I was so happy to be home with our new addition and be with my boys.  I felt so blessed!!

(Well I think this is enough for this post :)  but I have so much more to write!!  But I think I need a bit of a break so I will just end it for now with a few pics.............)

Nathaniel Phillip Cook

Meeting for the first time

Kisses for his lil brother

Nate's going home outfit

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Getting closer!!

Well in baby news we have finally hit 36.5 weeks!!  I had an appointment on Tuesday and my midwife said that in 4 days he would be considered full term!!  So I hope he comes soon! I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore.  At my check up I was dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced. I was measuring at 39.5 weeks (hoping that could be a good sign).  My midwife also said she didn't think I was going to make it this far. I have dropped but the baby hasn't fully placed himself in the birthing canal quite yet.  But heck we are good to go at this point.  James is goin away this weekend so I just hope that he does not come between Saturday and Monday.  I would hate to go into labor while he is gone :(  So I would love for him to come before Friday!!  I had my first shift without being able to take my medication that helped with the contractions... and it sucked!  I am glad that I am only working 2 shifts a week.  On the plus side since I have reduced my hours at work I have noticed that my swelling has almost gone away :)  We have finally picked a baby name!! But I am going to keep it a secret :)  For one thing you never know..... it could still change.  Alls I know is I am SO ready to hold my new son!!

My basket ball belly at 36.5 weeks

So last week I made James and K.C. go to JCpenny to get some family maternity pictures taken.  James was so thrilled to go!!  Ya not really, and apparently neither was K.C.  He usually does really good at getting pictures taken but for some reason he was just not having it this time.  We were able to get a few shots with him in it but not as many as I would have liked.  I would like to order the CD so I have the rights to the pictures but I have to wait until I have a coupon and money cause it is a bit spendy...  I am not sure how to get the link added to this blog but if you are my FB friend you can go to my page and scroll down and find where I added the link there or e-mail me and I can send it to you that way (

So in older Cook boy news.... Keegan turned 16 on the 17th!!  I can't believe how much he is growing up, 2 more years and he will be considered an adult... scary I know!  On Saturday James and I took the older boys to Tucanos for dinner.  It was very nice, we left K.C. with Grandpa and Grandma :)  After dinner we went to Cabela's to look at some guns.  The boys step Dad has decided to match what they have in gift cards to help them each purchase a gun, that is pretty cool of him and the boys are very excited. 

So December seemed like the month of everything going wrong in our house.  But things are looking up!  The pipes seemed to always be clogging but James has seemed to fix that issue.  he did finally partially install my mud sink in the laundry room!  That is such a plus because before then we had a very small sink that we had to drain out washing machine into because of pipe issues meaning that you couldn't just start a load of clothes and walk away.. this resulted in many overflows by missing the water draining over the years.  But no more!!  The sink now can hold lots of water!!  Another issue was that our oven stopped working,  But thanks to my plee on facebook we had a friend who happened to have an old one sitting in a garage that we could barrow.  So thank you so much Barb!!  It is so nice to be able to bake cookies again!! That and other food that we couldn't before, you never realize how much you miss it till its gone!!
where the sink was riped out

In K.C. news........ Well he is just growing up WAY to fast!!  I love every minute with that lil terd!  His new thing that his Dad and brothers taught him is "touch down"  his Dad had already taught him how to throw his hands up but now the have him actually saying touch down while he does it.  It is very cute, that kid loves to watch football to.  Actually that kid loves to watch just about anything.  The other night while James and I were watching the Biggest Looser was the cutes though.  At the end when the do the weigh in he got really involved in what was going on.  While they are weighing in the contestants there is this beeping sound that goes for 20-30 seconds and then their weight pops up, the contestants then all clap for the person.  Well K.C. was so taken by it that he was standing in the middle of the living room just anticipating the clapping.  He knew that when the beeping sound was done they would all clap and he would clap with them.  It was the cutest thing.  Anyway I could go on and on about him (yes very proud Momma!) but I will stop.  Below is a few updated pictures of him.
Lexus decided that she would go ahead and take a bath with K.C.  This was NOT a planned thing!

K.C. at Jump Time in Meridian for a birthday party

He loved to run down the tramps and then jump and slide down the big one at the end

K.C. and birthday girl Madi, he loved this foam block pit, he had no fear with this thing and loved it when I would throw him in.  There was also a pulley that you could go on and them let go to fall in the pit.  He saw the older kids do it and so he had to also, this kid has LITTLE fear!

Madi and K.C. going down the slide, this is where he had a bit of fear, he needed a bit of encouragement to go down. He will drop 4 feet in the air but needed a nudge to slide 10feet... go figure

He loves pushing this thing all over the house, to reach on shelves or just sit in

Explaining why he does not need to take a nap.....  He got out of his bed probably 5x this day