Sunday, April 29, 2012

Time flys when your havin fun....

Well that and when your family goes from 4 to 6 in two years...

Ans since there is a lot to update on I have had to break down my post so this isip

James has been pretty busy since the new year.  He has a lot going on at the fire station (like usual) and he recently started online school to. He is planning on changing his bachelors to a business degree and so that he can work on his MBA.  He just finished up an english class a few weeks ago and was a straight A student!  He is currently taking a math and english class (and is still keeping up his A's) These classes are almost over, I think he is regretting taking on 2 classes at once since he has the boys at night when I am at work. It has been difficult to juggle work, school, and kids but he is doing a great job! 

I have been back at work full time now for the last 5 weeks or so. Good news is that a part time position has been created in dispatch to help with some of the over time shifts and I have decided to step down from full time and go part time.  This was a big blessing because we were not sure what we were going to do when my shift changed from the weekends in the evenings to the weekdays during the day.  It wasn't very feasible to have 2 kids in day care for 8-12 hours a day.  My prayers were answered!! Not only do I get to continue to work at a place I have really enjoy and get to be with my boys more!!  Cool thing is I will not work more then 19 hours a week.  This also will help with James and his busy schedule.  James has asked me to come back to the fire station to since I am going part time.  I am looking forward to coming back, I have really missed fighting fire.  I was under the impression that my EMT licence had lapsed last September and with everything that was going on I did not have the time to re certify, but I got a letter in the mail the other day telling me I was going to expire this September 2012!!! I thought that was pretty cool.  I love helping out as an EMT and was kinda sad when I thought that part of my life was over. I look forward to many more years giving back to my community!

Keegan has been pretty busy with baseball this spring.  He has been doing pretty good!  I have not been able to go watch any of his games, but James has!  We are so proud to watch him play, he just keeps getting better with every game.  The season is just about over and O hope there is at least one more game that I can go watch. 

Me and my boys!

All 4 Cook boys


Looks like they are all tuckered out!

Daddy time!

Nate has so many awesome big brothers..... so sweet!

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